January 3, 2019:  I attended the first of many economic forecasts.  Today was from MetroStudy, Vaike O'Grady, at the DRHorton VIP REALTOR luncheon.  MetroStudy is a veteran  Austin company that does forecasting with developers, homebuilders, and local MLS database information.

Here are the highlights:  first Austin added 35,200 jobs , up 3.3% in 2018, and over the past 5 years has averaged approx 36,000 jobs /year.

we are 7th in the Nation for job creation.  Austin expanded 7.9% annualized, mostly in Health,Professional services, and CONSTRUCTION.

Our unemployment rate (Nov. 2018) is 2.7% and has been under 4% for 5 years running.

Where are all these people coming from ?  30% are out of area, 30% of those are from California.


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